WeatherDeep - WHAT WE OFFER Highly Customizable Platform for Weather HazardsExpanded Decision Space for Risk Management Government - WeatherDeep’s extended-range forecasts given federal agencies extra time to prepare for major disasters, protecting life and property while managing critical assets Insurance - Our new analytics platform can help insurers manage risk by understanding which regions have a heightened seasonal risk of property losses from tornadoes and hail. Energy - Extended-range temperature and surface wind forecasts help energy traders and renewable energy professionals accurately gauge supply and demand. Agriculture - WeatherDeep’s temperature forecasts help farmers to be more efficient in growing and harvesting their crops – directly benefitting global food supply. MULTIMEDIA PRODUCTS Monthly to Seasonal Severe Weather ForecastsWeather Analytics - Decision Support for Insurance, Energy, and AgricultureCustomizable AI-based Weather Forecasting and Analytics SolutionsConsultations are available! Subscribe! Contact us to access our forecast portal and API!